The first in our video interviews from IAB’s Interactive to the Max Big Day in Toronto. I interview Sean Moffitt (aka Buzz Canuck), President of Agent Wildfire, about Facebook and the six archetypes of WOM influencer.
You might have to click through for the embedded video.
Editors Note: Oh, and while video editing elves don’t make house calls, they DO reside in Montreal and do excellent work! Many, many thanks to One Degree contributor, Adele McAlear who edited, titled and cleaned up the sound for us on all the videos from the IAB Big Day in Toronto!
Maybe the reason I don’t really understand or appreciate Facebook is that I cannot imagine I would want 10 ‘friends’ sending me 35 recommendations on where to grab a coffee.
Personally, I would find it much more enjoyable (and less time consuming) to simply ask the attractive receptionist in the lobby where she would recommend.
Great video! I was going to forward a notification of it to Sean… but I guess he is not on Twitter 🙁
Glad to see this up and running on the site. Great thought provoking questions Joy and nice redesign on the One Degree site.
Allen, I respectfully disagree and ironically I asked the delightful receptionist behind the counter and she pointed to the everyman coffee in their restaurant or the omnipresent Starbucks next door. Not very interesting.
By crowdsourcing my Facebook friends who I have introduced myself to through personal connections or kindred interests, I’m able to improve my decision and based on this coffee query, enhance my perspective by a much larger degree.
It’s the power of social networks on display- I get the right inspiration and information more relevantly and more efficiently through a social network than in person or through any other means.
Ever since this episode, I’ve been able to find well qualified suppliers, new business partners and right before I wrote this message an inside deal on Vancouver hotel stays through the altruism of my Fbk friends. I love all of them – even the ones that poke too much.
My only fear is that I’m not contributing enough back to my social posse…which for Mr. Douma’s benefit is why I’m worried about the time suck that is represented by Twitter :).