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Month: November 2008

Unlock Those Hidden Video Assets

Online video is hot. Consider:

  • More than 20.1 million Canadian Internet users watched an average of 145 videos per viewer in August 2008. (Source: comScore Video Metrix, All Locations- Persons 2+)
  • Video currently generates more traffic in the US than was transmitted across the entire Internet backbone in 2000. (Cisco Systems via eMarketer)

Video is undeniably part of the mix to build and extend your brand online. So, I’ve got to ask, are you using all the video assets at your disposal?

Too frequently, gorgeous footage is locked away in B-roll and projects far removed from the web and the digital marketing teams. And let’s face it, these are belt-tightening times for Marketers. "Hidden" video lends itself to soft innovation.

I had the opportunity to hook up with Stephen Gardner, Executive Producer at Gardner Productions, a Toronto-based video and commercial production house. Stephen and I worked together back in my agency days putting together B-Roll for clients. One of our projects saw us doing a shoot at a grocery store in Newmarket at 4:00 a.m. (good times).

We had a chat about this explosion in online video and how to make the most of the opportunity.