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Month: June 2009

Third Tuesday Toronto – How to create online videos that people want to watch, share and buy

Last week’s Third Tuesday Meetup that drew a crowd of 200+ people was engaging and informative.  I attended the event hoping to get insights around how large corporations make videos that are engaging enough for their customers to watch and share.  I did not walk away with those exact insights but the ones I did walk away with were just as valuable.  

Our speakers for the event were, Amber MacArthur, Chris Dick and Jeff MacArthur from MGI Media.  Clearly they were experts when it came to the topic at hand and had great tips for individuals (not businesses) looking to create engaging videos that can be shared and eventually commercialize the content.

Top 5 Key Things to keep in mind when making online videos:

1. Content is King:  Though I’ve heard this many times in the business environment, it had never occurred to me in a personal setting.  Amber’s main point with this was, if you are going to blog or produce a video, make sure your content is as tight as possible and the more niche the topic, the better.

2. Follow your Passion:  I guess this applies to everything in life, not just producing entertaining video.  Make sure the topic is something you are passionate about, it makes total sense when you think about your audience.  Most of the people watching your video is equally passionate about the topic.

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