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Relevance [Rachel Brethauer's Review]

Relevance Rachel Brethauer read Relevance over a long span of time, making her all the more appreciative of the taut writing and the easy-to-follow thread of author's argument.

Here's an excerpt from her review:

And what is Tim Manners offering up in Relevance? Using bite-sized case
studies of well-known brands (think Starbucks, Disney, Wal-Mart and
Toyota, just for starters), the book is split into three parts:
Relevant Problems, Relevant Solutions, and Relevant Outcomes. Manners
discusses what he believes to be the most important aspect of marketing
– relevance.  And in a tautly written 256 pages, he does a masterful

Continue reading Rachel's review…

More information   

  • ISBN-10: 1591842204   
  • ISBN-13: 978-1591842200