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Our contributors are One Degree’s greatest asset. If you’re interested in writing for One Degree, we’d love to hear from you! Here’s how you can become a contributor.

Step 1: Contact us

Contact us at mose [at] onedegree [dot] ca and let us know what your passion is to write about. We’re looking for case studies, position pieces, relationship between online and offline marketing and how-to’s. We’re looking for articles that will spark discussions around interactive marketing topics and/or that provide solid take-aways or implementable ideas for our readers. Really, we’re looking for anything that you think a fellow marketer would be interested in or benefit from. We’re particularly interested in local flavour, e.g. reports from regional marketing associations or conferences.

You don’t have to submit a topic for clearance – you can just send us a finished article. Or, conversely if you have an idea we are happy to have you bounce it off us first. The only reason we like to know ahead of time is in case someone else is writing about it. We would be happy to have different articles about the same topic, we simply would like to schedule better and make sure there are perhaps different opinions or takes on the subject.

Step 2: Write it Down

Articles can be as short as 200 words or can be a multi-part series of articles if you have a lot to say. Important points to note:

  1. Be Transparent
    If you’re using your own business or work you’ve done for a client to illustrate a point in your article, be sure to be transparent about your relationship with that client.
  2. Formatting
    We convert every article into HTML when we post it on One Degree. You can submit your article in any format you choose, but please check with us first on specifics!
  3. Take Credit
    For your first contribution, please provide us with a short (two or three paragraphs) bio and photo. Photos should be 150 pixels square if possible.
  4. Concurrent Publishing
    One Degree likes to feel special. One of our goals is to provide content that our readers can’t get anywhere else. However, we know that you like to share your content on your own blog as well. We’re happy with concurrent publishing; we just don’t like to publish articles “after the fact”, but we’ll work with you on a publishing schedule.

Step 3: Airbrushing

Here at One Degree, we offer spelling and grammar check as well as light editing on every article submitted. If we do make any edits to your piece, we’ll be in touch before we publish so that you can approve any changes we’ve made.

There you have it! As you know we are just ramping up and we believe we have contacted all of our previous contributors. It will be a couple of weeks till we get the input from all of them flowing again. That being said we are looking for new contributors.

Just three easy steps to One Degree glory. So contact us at mose [at] onedegree [dot] ca and get the ball rolling.

We also need correspondents for different events that we receive media passes to. We keep our Correspondent Page updated with all current opps.

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