At some level, social media is simply a strong and deep "data capture". The consumer’s ongoing willingness to particpate daily (Facebook), or even moment by moment (Twitter and Foursquare) will provide smart marketers rich data for for years to come.
1 CommentMonth: January 2011
By Jon Cogan
It seems now that LinkedIn has finally positioned themselves as the primary social network for b2b. It wasn't always this way, in fact up until recently, myself and others considered LinkedIn to be a job bulletin board on steroids. But LinkedIn's new "Company Pages" has helped to change that perception in a hurry.
If you haven't experienced these new Company Pages yet, they allow for products and services to be put on display, provide the mechanisms to announce online promotions, and include the ability to upload multimedia such as graphics and video to help promote the business. But the most powerful feature of all is the LinkedIn's adoption of the pre-existing recommendation utility into their Company Pages.
1 Comment
Road Rage and Hate and Trolls
By Peter Mosley
In a recent post on CNN Opinion, Jeff Pearlman confronts some of his haters face-to-face. It was interesting to hear that these folks who were rather abusive to him, when contacted, were shy, apologetic and Jeff even said he liked them.
I checked and I believe the States have actually classified Road Rage a mental illness. (At the moment I have not been able to track down a reliable source to see if we have done this is Canada. But still checking.) This year Harris/Decima did a Canadian study on Road Rage. Net/Net we do not have the same in-car attitudes as say our neighbors to the south. We are, like, nice folks behind the wheel, eh? The Globe and Mail gives you the stats.
When your true identity is hidden from public view as stated in Jeff's article … "Well the Net got the better of me." you act differently.