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Month: April 2012

How to WOW Your Clients and Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary – (Part One)

We live in a time and age where the words Customer Service don't really mean anything anymore.

When every company proclaims "we value customer service" and "we have the highest quality customer service" you can safely bet that they are failing the true test of Customer Service. That is, being different and providing clients with a WOW experience.

To truly provide a Wow experience for your clients you must understand the following:

The normal. Once you understand what your clients are used to, you can ensure that you provide a different and more positive experience for them.

Their expectations. This is different from the normal. Expectations are what your clients really expect out of you and your company. Over time their expectations may change though you should always do your best to understand what type of service they are expecting to receive. Knowing this will help you with the next step.