Why Small Businesses Need a Digital Strategy
Here’s a question: If small businesses know they need to invest in new technologies to support and enable growth — and research indicates clearly that they do — then why aren’t more of them planning more aggressive tech investments?
According to Spiceworks, among businesses with fewer than 100 employees, only 36 percent expect to increase their IT budgets in 2019; 48 percent plan to keep their budgets the same.
Social Media Stories Should Be the Focus of Every Digital Storytelling Strategy. Here’s Why.
It’s always astounding to me just how young the internet actually is.
From its highly technical, non-user-friendly beginnings in the 1980s, to the home-use and visual interface growing pains of the 90s, to the rapid explosion of its development in the 2000s that’s persisted through today, the web feels like something that’s been around for ages, but in reality, it’s only just hit middle age in the market. And in many ways, marketing has always played a game of catch-up throughout its development—with social media Stories being the latest step for marketers to learn and utilize in this long, complex dance.
Tips and tricks for raising tech savvy kids
eing a parent in today’s digital age can be daunting. From too much screen time to cyber bullying it’s becoming harder and harder to navigate technology when it comes to our children. Luckily for us, author and entrepreneur, Katrina German, has tips on how to raise tech savvy kids.
SOCAN Members Achieve Extended Play from Worldwide Enjoyment of Canadian-made Music
A rising tide of Canadian music success around the world has helped to create a buoyant year for Canada’s songwriters, composers and publishers, adding to more history-making numbers for SOCAN in 2018, as the company announced preliminary year-end results.
The largest organization in the Canadian music ecosystem once again brought in and paid out record royalties to more members than ever, with combined domestic and international collections rising above 2017 figures by at least 11% percent.