Internet Statistics & Trends in 2019
The internet is maturing, now 30 years young – the whole world is jumping on board. What will this mean for the Internet in 2019 and beyond?
How business schools can change the world
I teach an experiential learning course in Mumbai, India, in which MBA students visit and mentor schoolchildren in slums. The goal is to help children explore their areas of interest and strengthen their capabilities. These relationships are yearlong journeys of discomfort and discovery.
Want that first customer? Do research, don’t undercharge
Many small business owners are so anxious to get their first customers or clients that they’ll underprice their products or services, and end up in relationships that are not only unprofitable but also unpleasant. Owners can also find themselves doing work they don’t want to do.
Some advice for new owners on how to avoid the misery of bad clients:
Is 5G Available in Canada?
Major cell phone networks are already testing 5G in major cities, but probably won’t be available to the general public until late 2019 or early 2020. It will arrive first on Bell, Rogers and Telus (possibly at premium rates) with roll-outs to cheaper and regional carriers over the next two years. There are no cell phones in the Canadian market that support 5G until at least the summer.