Here’s why Canada’s decisions on who builds 5G technology are so important
Let’s face it — the vast majority of us are not tech wizards.
While an astonishing array of pundits and experts have expounded on the importance of the coming wave of 5G networks, the nuts and bolts of the technology remain a mystery for many.
Ready or not, 5G is going to be a huge part of your life in the future, placing all the more importance on decisions the Canadian government has to make about who should be allowed to provide the underlying technology.
Digital Media Market In-depth Analysis, Trends and Global Research by Experts 2019
This report studies the Global Digital Media market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Digital Media market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.
A Political Grid Humming with Hatred: Who Taps Its Energy?
It’s tempting to describe the rise of anti-immigrant paranoia and racist rhetoric in Canada as a toxin poisoning our politics. A current of electricity might be a better metaphor. As it surges, some political players try to finesse some of its power without getting burnt, while others plug straight in to fear and hate, sucking all the voltage they can.
New federal rules on what notices can say
The federal government set out new rules last December on what copyright holders can say in notices that Internet Service Providers must forward to subscribers accused of infringements through online downloading.