Transport Canada releases new drone rules
Getting a bird’s eye view of the Island was once limited to those in planes and helicopters but now with the use of drones on the rise, the sky’s the limit for many photographers.
The birth of the electronic beep, the most ubiquitous sound design in the world
The electronic beep is everywhere. When you don’t fasten your seatbelt, your car beeps. When your microwave has finished reheating your leftover Chinese takeout, it beeps. The dishwasher beeps; the smoke detector beeps; when the coffee maker turns itself off automatically, it beeps. If you misplace your iPhone, you can make it beep, by remote control.
How to Build a Successful Agency-Client Relationship
There are many aspects to building a successful agency. Juggling different projects and deadlines, managing multiple teams, and being pro-active with your own marketing efforts are all essential to success. While the work itself is important, it’s also vital to establish strong, positive agency-client relationships
Apple Puts Accessibility Front and Centre
Although the meat of Apple’s accessibility news from WWDC has been covered, there still are other items announced that have relevancy to accessibility as well. Here, then, are some thoughts on Apple’s less-headlining announcements that I believe are most interesting from a disability point of view.