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One Degree Thursday January 20 2022

Liberals move to ‘modernize’ CBC, making public broadcaster less reliant on advertising

A year after CBC president Catherine Tait defended the public broadcaster’s foray into sponsored content in front of the country’s broadcast regulator, the Liberal government has set its sights on moving the CBC away from the advertising business.


Empowering the remote work generation

The internet is not just how we consume media, talk to family members, browse websites, and play games. With the rise of remote work, an internet connection is now tied to people’s livelihoods. Although we’re starting to see the end of the pandemic, 74 per cent of professionals believe that some form of remote work will become the new normal. This means that people will need stable and reliable in-home networks to survive in an increasingly connected world. Having such stability isn’t always easy.


41 Tools for Blogging That Will Improve Your Writing and Increase Your Traffic

Let’s face it: blogging isn’t always easy. In an age of intense competition, making sure your message gets out there is much harder than it used to be. Luckily, there are a whole bunch of blogging tools, both paid and free, that we can use to maximize the impact of our quality content. Let’s take a look at a few of them that I recommend–everything from tools to help you do keyword research to tools to analyze the success of your blog.


The Entrepreneur Economy: 5 Trends for 2022

The pandemic has forced entrepreneurs to adapt to change faster than ever. Whether it’s pivoting your businesses’ product offerings to meet consumer demands, figuring out how the latest COVID-19 restrictions affect you or developing an online and social media presence to reach your audience—there’s an endless to-do list when it comes to running a small business.


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