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One Degree Tuesday November 1 2022

A guide to free, ad-supported streaming services in Canada to trim your monthly bills

Home to a deep selection of on-demand Canadian film and television, the national broadcaster’s platform breaks down borders with hit TV programs from around the world, celebrated web series and live events.


Research Finds Evidence Of User Dissatisfaction With Google Results

Research Finds Evidence Of User Dissatisfaction With Google Results


The Key To Increasing Your Social Media Management Rates (And Brand Loyalty)

Social media isn’t really about the posts – it’s about connections. You can post 50 times a day, but unless you promote two-way conversations, it won’t give you the results you’re looking for.


Cable 2.0: Netflix and other streamers bring back ads after disrupting TV landscape

Canadian Netflix users will see a new membership option starting Tuesday that costs less but comes with a catch: commercial breaks inserted into their favourite shows.


Make big impacts by doing “small things.” Insights from a deaf UX designer

“There’s a lot of platitudes that you hear in this area, but this discussion has blown me away,” said Fawn Annan, chief executive officer and chief marketing officer at IT World Canada, who moderated an evening sponsored by Amazon and Technation on the future of work and the role that inclusion plays. The event was billed as “Raising the Bar on Tech Accessibility and Inclusion,” and it certainly fulfilled that promise. One (but only one) of the many highlights of the night was a discussion with Brendan Gramer, a senior user experience (UX) designer with Amazon.


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