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One Degree Friday February 3 2023

#GRWM: How TikTok’s “get ready with me” videos are changing social media

It was Greta Rolli’s younger sister who first introduced her to TikTok in late 2019. Together, the two would fill their time by recording themselves singing and dancing in their living room as coronavirus pandemic restrictions tightened across the country.


Life without social media

Everything seems to revolve around social media. When I meet new people, the first thing they ask after small talk is “What’s your Snap?” or “What’s your Instagram?” It always comes as a surprise when I tell them that I do not have any sort of social media. They look at me in disbelief for a few seconds, then ask if I can give them my phone number. When I agree, I rarely ever hear back from them, making my experience in finding new friends difficult.


How to Perform Your Own 9 Step SEO Audit

Regardless of your business, industry or niche, a great process to have in your arsenal is mastering an SEO audit. Even if it’s a minimal, quick process or full-scale audit, the results are sure to pay off. Following an actionable SEO audit from start to finish is the first step (of an ongoing process) that is necessary to make sure your website can maximize its organic visibility on search engines. Read on to learn more about how to perform an SEO audit in 9 steps.


The WordPress Security Guide To Keep Your Site Safe

Security threats are not unique to WordPress. Every platform, whether it’s private or open source, is under attack 24/7.


7 Simple Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents are in a unique position when it comes to digital marketing. Realtors and brokers need to use digital marketing to reach their target audience and grow their business in today’s market. With online property listing sites, social media platforms, and other digital marketing tools available, there is no shortage of ways for realtors to capture leads and build relationships with potential clients. Here are seven ways realtors can use digital marketing to attract more business.


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