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One Degree Monday July 18 2022

Canada’s immigration pathways for tech talent

Canada’s tech sector is booming, and industry growth is expected to continue outpacing the number of skilled tech workers in the Canadian labour force. This growth comes from a mix of startups and large companies, such as Google and Amazon, investing more money and growing their businesses in Canada. This investment is a core piece of Canada’s economy and as a result there are over 250,000 tech workers in Toronto alone.


The art of being creative on social media

Being creative on social media can seem like an intimidating task at first glance, but creativity is all about facing your fears and feeling emotions. The beauty of social media is that there are no set rules that a person has to follow to reach success. The only way to encourage those likes, shares and comments on social media is by being creative.


Russian propaganda is making inroads with right-wing Canadians

On July 8, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly announced new sanctions against Russia as a counter to the Kremlin’s disinformation activities aimed at Canada.


When It Makes Sense To Use Growth Marketing Versus Growth Hacking

You might see the terms growth marketing and growth hacking and think they mean the same thing. They both have the word growth in them, so is there really a difference? What makes differentiating between the two even more confusing is that the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. While there are similarities, such as the goal of driving more revenue, growth hacking and growth marketing are two distinct approaches.


Complete Guide To PPC Marketing With Google Ads

If you can appreciate step-by-step and highly actionable marketing strategies that can be applied immediately or at a later date, then you’ve come to the right place!


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