Whether you’re an avid technophile or you can barely work your
television, there’s no doubt that there’s one tech titan’s name and
reputation that everyone knows right now: Apple, of course. Since the
launch of their personal, handheld gadgets, from the iPod to the iPhone
and beyond, Apple has risen to the top of the corporate food chain,
becoming the most profitable public company in the world. Apple’s stock
prices have multiplied many times over in recent years, and they’ve
continued to enjoy massive degrees of succes with each launch of a new
gadget. But while Apple will certainly always be powerful, valuable, and
competitive in its field, recent numbers and sales have caused many to
wonder: Could this vast technology beast be reaching its peak? After
all, any company can only enjoy so much meteoric growth before the whole
operation becomes entirely saturated. Has Apple reached a new peak? If
everyone already has an iPhone, the chances of them buying a new one
(even a sleeker update) begin to decrease. Apple is obviously still on
top of the technology food chain, but the following infographic seeks to
address the question: Could the Apple phenomenon of impressive growth
be slowing down at last?
Courtesy OnlineBusinessDegree.org for this Graphic