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Mini Book Expo: Business Edition Round-Up

Mbebe_logo Thanks to all of you who are participating in the Mini Book Expo: Business Edition! Your addresses are being submitted to the publishers as I type and you should be getting your books soon. We look forward to reading your reviews!

Addresses and Confirmation

If you claimed a book and did not receive a confirmation email, please email me at

If you received a confirmation email but did not fill out the address form in that email, please do so a.s.a.p.! And if you lost the email, drop me a line and I’ll set you up.

Books Still Available

The claiming is not over! We’ll be running MBE:BE here at OneDegree until October 30th. So if you missed out on the first round, here are the books that are still available to be claimed (remember – if you’ve already claimed 2, you’re at your limit!):



  1. Matt Vernhout
    Matt Vernhout October 2, 2008

    I’d be happy to read one or all of the following:
    # Bizzwords
    # Click
    # How Toyota Became #1
    Surprise me 😉

  2. Rosemary
    Rosemary October 2, 2008

    Okay, Matt – look for two surprises in your email!
    And thanks for showing me the flaw in my plan! I’m closing the comments on this post – to claim any of these books, please go to the original posts.

Comments are closed.