The Canada Revenue Agency has disciplined more than 1,000 employees for professional misconduct over the past four years — on average one case every working day.
According to numbers obtained by CBC News, some tabled in Parliament and others provided by the agency, there were 550 cases of misconduct between April 1, 2016 and March 27, 2018. There were another 521 cases between April 2014 and March 2016 for a total of 1,071.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being urged to gather security agencies and top policy makers to determine the security threat and economic cost of transferring Canadian intellectual property to Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies.
Andy Ellis, former assistant director of operations at the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service, said he was alarmed at the extent of the inroads that Huawei has made into Canadian universities with the aim of acquiring leading-edge 5G wireless technology.
“At its core, the new platform reinforces that we are a relationship brand that has our customer’s backs wherever and however they need us,” said Rob McClean, Country Manager, American Express Canada. “Many people think of us primarily as a consumer brand. But like people’s lives, our business has become more hybrid, with nearly 40 percent coming from serving start-ups and entrepreneurs to mid-size businesses to large corporations.”
Last week, we learned a little more about the very human flaws of Amazon’s Alexa virtual assistant. One couple in Portland, OR, discovered that their Amazon Echoes were accidentally recording their private conversations and sending them to a friend from their contacts list. The situation worked itself out harmlessly enough, but as we pointed out, it really reinforced that we don’t know as much as we think we do about the always-listening virtual assistants that we’ve invited into our homes.