Netflix confirms it killed AirPlay support, won’t let you beam shows to Apple TVs anymore
With no warning and little explanation, Netflix has removed the easiest way to sling its shows from one Apple device to another: AirPlay.
Netflix confirmed to The Verge that it pulled the wireless casting feature this past week, due to what it’s calling a “technical limitation.” But it’s not the kind of technical limitation you’d think.
The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide
It is just not just the NSA. Governments the world over are racing to introduce legislation that allows to them to monitor and store every email, phone call and Instant Message, every web page visited, and every VoIP conversation made by every single one of their citizens.
How Game of Thrones Redefined HBO–and prestige TV
Chances are, if you are in any way, shape, or form a student of popular culture or television, it’s not news that the final season of Game of Thrones will air on Sunday, April 14. If you are, in fact, a member of this category, you probably also know the exact length of the first episode (54 minutes); how many episodes there will be this season (six); and that this season is the grand finale for a series that has rocked the culture, shattering record after record in terms of viewership and awards. The show, which HBO launched in 2011, averages more than 23 million viewers an episode and has won more Emmys than any other prime-time series. These accolades are all the more impressive given our fractured, too-many-television-choices times, when getting a meaningful swath of the population to watch the same show week after week, year after year, is, more often than not, an impossible challenge.
Rideshare vs Car Rental Companies: Are Rideshare Companies Killing the Car Rental Industry?
While two rideshare companies are worth billions of dollars, Lyft have issued their IPO back at the beginning of March, while Uber is making final preparations for their own Initial Public Offering, which at the same time testifies on the growth potential of these tech companies.