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Category: Bill Sweetman

Should Video Play a Role in Your 2006 Plans?

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video clip worth?
This past weekend I purchased my third Webcam – a gift for a friend – and it really got me thinking about the power of video on the Internet, both as a communication and a marketing tool.
Regardless of whether or not the video is live or pre-recorded, downloaded, streamed, or podcast, it’s impossible to deny the power and impact of full-motion moving images served up online.
There’s an inherent immediacy to video that static images and words usually can’t capture, and I’m of the belief that video can, and usually does, engage people on a more emotional (even primal) level.

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Five Simple Internet Marketing Resolutions for 2006

As we kick off what promises to be another record year for the Internet marketing industry, I’d like to propose five simple resolutions for you to make, especially if you’re on the client side of the equation.
Don’t worry, none of these resolutions involves breaking your precious caffeine habit or spending long hours on the treadmill. These should be simple resolutions for you to make and – more importantly – keep. Hence the simple part.
Here they are…