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Category: Book Reviews

Search Engine Marketing [Miro's Review]

This our second MBE:BE review from Miro Slodki, who liked Search Engine Marketing by Andreas Ramos & Stephanie Cota much better than his first book. Here’s his review:

I enjoyed this book considerably.

Often times, the how-to genre is hobbled by an endless litany of screen shots, menu selections, options etc. that, while imparting data, tends to encourage skimming.

The authors did a good job of bridging this with smart tips and links to additional information sources. In fact, I found the greatest value of the book lay in its insights and perspectives from industry leaders Google, Ominture, Coremetrics. 

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Click [Miro's Review]

The first book review is in! And the book is Click by Bill Tancer. Miro Slodki pens our first MiniBookExpo: Business Edition review and I’ll give you a preview – he didn’t enjoy it. Here’s his review:

Click’s book jacket starts with a compelling endorsement,
"Bill Tancer is the king of measuring online research. And online research is the Main Street of the new world. Which makes Bill Tancer king of the world or something like that." – Stephen J Dubner, co-author, Freakonomics

Who is this King of the World? Bill Tancer is general manager of global research for Hitwise, the online search/competitive intelligence company. Drawing from the privileged perch of his database, he gives readers a glimpse into the aggregated online behavior of 10 Million American households. "Click – What millions of people are doing online and why it matters. Unexpected insights for business and life." is his first book.

Tancer seeks to illustrate how the internet is becoming a more pervasive mirror of society and how our collective behavior in cyberspace can be used to understand and even presage our future actions.

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