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Category: E-mail Marketing

DoubleClick Email Solutions to be Acquired

“Epsilon Interactive”: – “formerly”:,753949.html Bigfoot Interactive – has announced it is acquiring DoubleClick Email Solutions, the email business of DoubleClick Inc. “Here’s the press release.”:
Epsilon, itself is a division of “Alliance Data Systems”: which owns Canada’s “Loyalty Group”: and their “AIR MILES”: national coalition loyalty program.
So what does this all mean to Canadian marketers?

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E-mail Postage Is Coming

“E-mail Postage”:, the use of a “pay-per-email” model to get email delivered, is heating up as a topic for e-mail marketers. The idea has been around for a long time, especially after January 2004 when Bill Gates announced “Microsoft was looking into it”:
With some “recent announcements”: from AOL this stuff “is getting coverage in USA Today”: and the “New York Times”:
What is email postage?