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Category: Event Notes

Trust Me, Social Media is Here to Stay!

On May 7, 2009, Boyd Neil, Senior Vice President and Director of Hill and Knowlton’s National Corporate Communications Practice moderated a very timely discussion with three panelists as part of the Empire Club of Canada’s lunch ‘n learn experience. Joining Boyd for a very candid discussion on the challenges and opportunities that come with the continued rise of Social Media in business and industry was Peter Aceto, President and CEO of ING Direct, Suzanne Fallender, Manager Corporate Responsibility at Intel Corp and Tom Watson, Senior Writer for Canadian Business Magazine.

Boyd set the foundation for the ensuing discussion by suggesting that because “more people are connected in more ways than ever before,” business leaders have to seriously rethink their approach to engagement and reputation management. He argued that because public trust in companies has declined so drastically over the past few years, social tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube have become the new “anatomy of interaction” for consumers to assemble and organize around both action and dissent. Boyd then went on to suggest that generic brand building strategies need be abandoned in favour of people first strategies which do a much better job of tapping into real conversations that reside in communities of interest. Finally he concluded his opening monologue before turning it over to the panelists by hammering home the message that the “new backbone of influence” is in fact the social network.

Although you're far by Aphrodite

The hour long discussion with the panelists presented differing viewpoints on the subject in addition to some key take home messages for any business toying with the idea of leveraging social media to drive communication strategies. Below are some key messages that I walked away with from being a part of this enlightening discussion.

Alignment with corporate values/culture is extremely important for social media success

Peter Aceto (@CEO_INGDIRECT), one of a handful of twittering CEOs today shared some very candid remarks with Boyd and the panel on how and why he chooses to put the reputation of himself and his company out there 140 characters at a time. According to Peter, social media is not for every organization.

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Social Media for Charities – Third Tuesday Calgary Recap

Third Tuesday Calgary Many thanks to Duncan Kinney for the excellent ThirdTuesday recap!

Oprah, Ashton Kutcher and CNN have nothing to do with this post.

Third Tuesday Calgary was home to two charities who explained how they use Twitter and other social media platforms to promote their causes.

Calgary Reads is an early literacy initiative that targets grade two readers and their families in the Calgary area. Brown Bagging for Calgary’s Kids provides nutritious lunches to 1300 plus kids in Calgary schools and programs every day.

Doug Lacombe and Andrew McIntyre volunteered to run the social media campaign for Calgary Reads. Their biggest objective was to push people to their annual book sale. The sale is how Calgary Reads raises most of its money.

The book sale runs May 1-3 and they started their campaign in mid-March. They sat down beforehand and created objectives:

  • Push people to the book sale
  • Leave Calgary Reads with a social media publishing platform.

They’re using Flickr, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, a WordPress blog and Pitchengine. From their own estimate it took them 2-3 hours to set up each platform.

Then they established success metrics like;

  • Number of Facebook fans
  • Unique visitors to blog
  • Media mentions
  • Book sale revenue
  • Retweets
  • Adoption of social media by Calgary Reads staff
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