By Sonia Carreno
As usual, there were some very insightful presentations from the Kelsey Group’s Interactive Local Media Conference (ILM) in Santa Clara last week. The event attracted over 450 local media professionals to a series of compelling discussions on the rapid changes occurring in the local media landscape.
Here three trends worth noting in the local digital space:
Ubiquitous Solutions
It seemed there were a lot of slides that started with “360˚…”. I thought one of the most riveting presentations on this subject was from Mike Liebhold, Senior Researcher at the Institute for the Future. Liebhold described new modes of interaction that consumers will have with local data based on the capabilities that will be made available through handheld devices.
His view was that maps would be replaced with much richer experiences that might be tied into the real-time location and user profile of the consumer. Liebhold had the crowd visualize a world that had media wrappers around physical objects and stories attached to merchandise bringing a whole new type of experience.
Users would be able to by-pass manufacturer’s messages and skip straight to the messages that are relevant to the individual (ingredients that are unacceptable, unethical production, community user reviews etc.) instantaneously.