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Category: Interesting

200 Powerful Words to Use Instead of “Good” [Infographic]


Do you find yourself using the word “good” to describe just about anything? Good weather, good movies, good music, good life, good this, good that…

Surely, it’s convenient and time-efficient to use one word over and over again, but does it really express the exact meaning you’d like to convey? We bet it doesn’t.

That’s why we’ve put together this handy infographic containing 200 different words for “good” to help you make your speech and writing more powerful and impactful.

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What will be the internet marketing trends of 2017?

Year-1760489_960_720The internet offers the modern marketer an increasingly powerful method to target core audiences and communicate their message in a more sophisticated and valuable way.

But keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends can be a real challenge. So here’s a look at some of the most exciting marketing trends that could make it big in 2017.

Conducting online marketing used to be something of a lottery, but social media has taken great leaps in helping all of us achieve a greater market penetration. Although Facebook has changed the rules of its organic reach, it still represents the best way to get high visibility in a way that feels personalised.

And personalised marketing will be a big part of 2017 with interactive features and variable content that encourages repeat visits becoming an essential part of the modern web experience.

 This move towards mass customisation means that knowing your niche audience is now more important than ever. This has even led some commentators to speculate that 2017 could be the year that will see the renaissance of email-based marketing.

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