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Category: Offline To Online

Sony Pictures' Killer Marketing Idea

Is it possible to have an immersive, interactive, and on-brand marketing experience without even visiting a Website?

I believe you can, based on my recent experience interacting with the proprietor of the Pinewood Motel.

Here’s the scoop: I’m watching TV and see a commercial for Sony Pictures’ new horror film, Vacancy. Other than the fact it has some A-level stars in it, the film (and the commercial for it) looks like a typical slasher flick. Until the end of the commercial, that is.


QotD: Where Do You See DRM Heading?

Last week Apple announced that it had sold over 100 million iPod’s. Following this announcement speculation on the web suggested that the largest online music retailer (Apple’s iTunes) might change its tune and offer subscription based sales. Additionally, if one takes note of Apple’s recent move to offer DRM-free music, one can only wonder what is next. Today’s QotD follows this series of events to ask you;

Where do you see music DRM heading in the near future?

Unsure what DRM is? Head over to the Wikipedia entry on DRM for a crash course.

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