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Category: Search Marketing

Defending the Art and Craft of SEO

Paul J. Bruemmer of “trademarkSEO”: does a good job of Defending the Art and Craft of SEO at iMedia Connection.
bq.. Organic search engine optimization (SEO) is an effective marketing strategy that provides marketing accountability. There are several reasons why organic links are so valuable. The reasons cited below come from industry research:
# Well-optimized sites enjoy sizable gains in unique visitors and conversions.
# Search users prefer organic listings to sponsored listings.
# Organic listings produce more conversions than other online strategies.
# Search engine listings provide branding.
# SEO provides an excellent return on investment (ROI).
p. I recommend reading the whole article if you are trying to get your head around SEO.
It’s also important to understand that SEO and SEM are really not related.

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What You'll Be Talking About This Week

I guarantee that if John Markoff’s article about Google in the New York Times is correct this is what much of the blogosphere will be buzzing about this week:
bq.. On Monday, Google is planning to introduce a second-generation version of its downloadable computer search tool, Google Desktop. It will come with both personalization and software “agent” features – learning capabilities – plus an invitation for independent programmers to develop small programs to extend the capability of the system.
Both capabilities are likely to be seen as further competitive threats by Microsoft, which is focusing on similar information retrieval and organization advances in its long-delayed next-generation operating system, Windows Vista.
“We’re really trying to make this into a platform,” said Nikhil Bhatla, product manager for Google Desktop. As with Apple Computer’s popular Dashboard feature, the idea is that it will be simple for programmers to extend the reach of Google Desktop by adding custom applications, known as live content panels.
Google executives say they plan to unveil on Wednesday a “communications tool” that is potentially a clear step beyond the company’s search-related business focus.
While executives would not disclose what the new software tool might be, Google has long been expected to introduce an instant messaging service to compete with services offered by America Online, Yahoo and MSN from Microsoft.
p. My advice to Internet marketers? Don’t get sidetracked by reading the tea leaves about new Google products – leave that to the pundits.

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