Searchers keep coming to One Degree looking for Live 8 Marketing and Uncle Yaris, or so Measure Map’s outstanding alpha version of their blog analytics service tells us.
But who can tell us WHY they come?
Category: SEO
My ever-trustworthy Snake Oil Detector registered a big one last week after I was approached by an online retailer with questions about search engine optimization (SEO).
Turns out they’d recently launched their Website and were shopping around for some much needed SEO help. They had been speaking with another firm that purported to do SEO work, and they were a bit suspicious of what they heard. Turns out they had every right to be.
When I did a bit of digging, I uncovered one of the most egregious scams I’ve come across in a while.
An Open Letter To Seth Godin…
Dear Seth,
You’ve been really busy with the launch of “Squidoo”: so you may not have been paying much attention to all this talk of “splogs” (spam blogs) taking over the blogosphere.
The fact that blogging sites like Google’s “Blogspot”: make it _way_ too easy to set up fake blogs is causing a real headache for anyone trying to find anything useful via blog search engines like “Technorati”: or “Icerocket”: