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Category: SEO

Outstanding Keyword Case Study

Rather than a boring old white paper, Wordtracker’s 70-plus page download is worth printing out because it takes a hypothetical business issue (the possible launch of a vegetarian dog food) and asks a bunch of experts how they would use Wordtracker (along with other techniques) to make a better decision on not only search issues, but the overall positioning of the product in the marketplace.

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Search Optimize Viral Campaigns

Does search engine optimization matter when you are doing a viral marketing or teaser ad campaign? Absolutely! One Degree and the “Uncle Yaris” TV ads give us a textbook example.
Because “I wrote about”: a few days ago, we’re getting a ton of search traffic right now on the terms _Uncle Yaris_ and _Yaris.ca_
I find it truly ironic that I wrote “they’re from Toyota as a simple Google search will tell you” and now that page itself is the top result:
Google will redirect you to the site if you search on, but Yahoo shows this:
And MSN puts One Degree at the top of an Uncle Yaris search as well:

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