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Category: Social Media

GreenMan Marketing – An Ecosystem Approach to Marketing

As an environmental planner, I studied the impacts of technologies (waste treatment plants, large dams, road work projects etc.) on communities. Technology has always had an impact on how we live, how we work and how we interrelate with the environment around us.
Similarly, working in interactive communications since 1996, I have seen the growth of digital networks and their communities.
While at first glance, it may seem that environmental and digital ecosystems have little in common, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. There are many parallels between natural ecosystems and their networked counterparts and therefore many lessons to be learned.
‘GreenMan marketing part I’ attempts to formalize this strategic approach and lay down a foundation, a philosophy and a way of thinking.


"We Are Smarter Than Me" – Book Review


We all know that the world’s first collaborative encyclopedia would not be possible without crowdsourcing – but how else do companies make this concept work? And moreover, how can you, the reader, use it to further your business? Barry Libert and Jon Spector’s new book We are Smarter than Me: How to Unleash the Power of Crowds in Your Business is a mini-encyclopedia of crowdsourcing for business, describing over 60 examples of companies (including background information and their processes) that harnessed the community hive to great success. As the title implies, the authors take the concept a step further, offering suggestions as to how readers can use crowdsourcing to increase the profitability of their company.

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