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Category: Social Media

Five Questions for Yahoo! Canada and Fleishman-Hillard

The KickYahoo! Canada recently launched The Kick, a social network for soccer fans in Canada. As part of their launch program, Yahoo! Canada used a Social Media News Release (SMNR) to share details with mainstream journalists and bloggers alike. One Degree recently sat down with Hessie Jones, marketing manager for The Kick, as well as David Jones, Julia Stein and Michelle Book from Fleishman-Hillard Canada, Yahoo! Canada’s PR firm, to discuss the use of the Social Media News Release.

One Degree: How did you decide to use a Social Media release for announcing The Kick?

A few months ago, we did a traditional press release for another Yahoo! Canada property. We received from commentary from bloggers that we could have done a better job. So, in planning the launch of The Kick, we wanted to make sure that the online channel was integrated into a comprehensive PR program. How and where you reach people largely depends on the specifics of your audience. For Canadian soccer fans, they are largely online; sports like soccer have a passionate fan base but is not well represented in the mainstream media.. We wanted to reach them and their advocates where they live – online.

From a content perspective, The Kick is an online community – so why wouldn’t we use a social media news release? Plus, Yahoo! has a number of social media tools –, Flickr – at our disposal and it made sense to take advantage of these tools in pulling together an announcement.

The rest of the interview is after the break …

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Sudbury Star Experimenting with Citizen Journalism and Social Media

I have to tip my hat to our local newspaper, the Sudbury Star. They’ve started a new community section of the website encouraging citizen journalism and blogging. (Disclosure: I do not have any affiliation with the Sudbury Star or Osprey Media.)

It has its problems, certainly. However, instead of picking on them for what they’re doing wrong, I want to talk about what they’re doing right.

Anyone can create an account. Once you have an account you can instantly start blogging or posting articles. For example, I submitted a piece about the dismal adoption rate of social media by our local candidates in the upcoming Ontario General Election. It was published immediately! I was certain it would have to go through some approval process, but they’ve opted
to trust the community for now. I applaud them for this courage! They understand that the web is all about instant gratification.

They’re giving everyday citizens the opportunity to participate in their local news and in the social media sphere without having to take on the responsibilities of running their own blog or website. I don’t know what to expect from this. As things pick up and it gets busier we’ll see what will come about from the strains on the system. But maybe, just maybe, we’ll see citizens taking responsibility for how news is spread in their community. Maybe people other than me will participate. I can dream…

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