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Category: Social Media

Attention Social Media Fence-Sitters: Watch This Video

If you are on the fence with whether you should be blogging, podcasting, or interacting online – this video is for you. David Jones, SVP at Fleishman-Hillard, provides some helpful tools for evaluating if social media is the right medium for your brand.

Shot while attending the “CMA’s”: National Convention & Trade Show.

(If you are reading the feed version of this you’ll need to click through to see the video.)

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Hillary’s Misguided Foray into User Generated Content

Hillary_for_presidentOne of my favourite things to do is watch political parties and candidates – or companies, or TV networks – jump on what they think is a bandwagon and then misapply the principles that made it a success in the first place. That’s why next season’s network television lineups are full of Heroes-themed supernatural content and freaks.  What audiences have responded to in Heroes is a fantastic concept, great characters and a propulsive narrative, not the fact that the characters on the show have cool powers.

It’s much the same with user generated content. Just because it’s a tactic doesn’t mean you should use it. Especially when your strategic application actually succeeds in reinforcing a major perception liability.

For those of who you haven’t been following along, Hillary Clinton is currently running for President of the United States. Her critics say that she lacks a clear vision and that she tends to leap on the bandwagon. On her website May 21,  she launched a poll to allow visitors to choose a fairly major part of her campaign.

I don’t want to be overly harsh, because there are a number of great things about the fact that Hillary’s running and that she is trying to integrate her audience into her campaign. It’s the topic she’s chosen for her foray into UGC that’s troubling and, unfortunately, it highlights some deeper issues with her public persona.

Hillary wants you, or at least the US  public, to pick her campaign song.

Yes, you too can help craft Hillary’s campaign by picking her campaign theme song!
(And no, you don’t have to be in the US to have your say! I voted!)

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Jeremy Gutsche Unlocks Cool in Ottawa

Jeremy Gutsche, of Trend Hunter Magazine, presented during an afternoon session at the CMA’s National Convention & Trade Show on how to _unlock cool_. His presentation outlined five steps on how to open and harness cool.

Click the video to find out how Jeremy helps companies unlock cool use it for their marketing techniques.

(If you are reading the feed version of this you’ll need to click through to see the video.)

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