A great video from “Blip.tv”:http://www.blip.tv, explaining RSS is plain English.
(If you are reading the feed version of this you’ll need to click through to see the video.)
3 CommentsA great video from “Blip.tv”:http://www.blip.tv, explaining RSS is plain English.
(If you are reading the feed version of this you’ll need to click through to see the video.)
3 CommentsThis morning when I came through the turn-style in my subway station I was unexpectedly met by TTC chair Adam Giambrone, who was handing out pins and information sheets on Toronto’s new LRT/ROW plans….
1 CommentToronto-based ad agency Cundari launched a new social media practice on Monday, called Social POV. Headed up by Eli Singer, creator of Casecamp and One Degree contributor, Social POV takes a unique approach by focusing on the social (ie, the community), and not on the media.
Click through to read a deeper profile on Social POV.
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