Each December and January over the last few years clients and associate have asked me for my predictions on the email industry: Will spam kill the ‘killer app’?; Will SMS and RSS “replace”:http://www.onedegree.ca/2005/05/20/rss-anot-a-replacement-for-emaila email?; What will happen to email marketing metrics in the next year? It’s always interesting to see what others say. I read about “the top trends”:http://www.onedegree.ca/2005/08/23/top-email-marketing-trends from others. I especially like hearing from Bill McCloskey at “MediaPost”:http://publications.mediapost.com/ and his “Email Insider”:http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showTodaysArticle&art_type=32. He always has “his annual predictions”:http://publications.mediapost.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=37197 too _(subscription required)_. These are typically very US-focused predictions, often speaking of spam in terms of the US CAN-SPAM laws and what is seen in the US.
1 CommentCategory: Stefan Eyram
bq. “The amount of money Canadian companies commit to marketing on the Internet is poised to increase 60 per cent over the next three years, overshadowing more modest gains predicted for TV and newspaper advertising, according to a study released yesterday.”
This is what I read in the “Toronto Star”:http://www.thestar.com recently in their article “Web-Ad Buying Forecast To Grow – Internet to Top Other Media”:http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/thestar/939176011.html?did=939176011&FMT=ABS&FMTS=FT&date=Dec+9%2C+2005&author=Rick+Westhead&pub=Toronto+Star&desc=Web-ad+buying+forecast+to+grow%3B+Internet+to+top+other+media+Most+sectors+will (registration required) article on December 9.
According to the “ZenithOptimedia”:http://www.zenithoptimedia.com study (available at a cost) referenced in this article Internet advertising in Canada will increase $100 million per year from $500 million in 2005 to $800 million in 2008. That’s up 60% over three years.
Here’s what some of the other advertising sectors will do according to the ZenithOptimedia survey:
This week I read something from “MarketingSherpa”:http://www.marketingsherpa.com called “Media Industry Shamed – Whose Email Lists Are Growing Fastest (and Whose Are Not)”:http://www.marketingsherpa.com/sample.cfm?contentID=3140. _(Hurry to check this out this article is only available for free for a few more days.)_
This covers a topic that many people have asked me about: What are typical growth rates for email lists?