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Category: Strategy

Joe Pulizzi at the CMAs B2B Conference

Joe Pulizzi, VP Penton Media, presented on the “value of creating quality content” at the CMA’s B2B conference last week.  Throughout his presentation Joe stressed the importance of corporate websites creating B2B dialog via content.  Citing the growing use of Magalogs , where I immediately thought of the LCBO’s magazine, Joe described 5 steps to create integrated content marketing:

  1. Identify your target audience
  2. What is your call to action? – what are your objectives?
  3. What delivery avenues will reach your customers.
  4. Develop your integrated plan
  5. Ensure your content is good, regardless of the medium.

Providing B2C case studies, Joe’s presentation was lacking practical B2B examples.  Following his presentation I spoke with Joe, where he was quick to add an intersting B2B example of content marketing.