I managed to drop by the Irish Embassy pub for a little pre-mesh get together the other night. In case you haven’t heard, Mesh was this little ‘unconference’ that a bunch of guys organized with zero advertising but still sold out the joint through word of mouth marketing (read blogs).
4 CommentsCategory: Sulemaan Ahmed
Now that the dust has settled, here is the view from the peanut gallery at the “Digital Marketing Conference”:http://www.the-cma.org/events/digital.cfm.
First off, kudos goes out to the event’s Organizing Committee – what a great job you did! If you’ve ever organized a conference or special event, then you know how much blood, sweat and tears goes into one. If you haven’t, trust me. I’m not being melodramatic, I am speaking from experience.
At first, I was unsure about the event being held at “The Guvernment”:http://www.theguvernment.com, but the venue was perfect. It was big enough to host a large crowd yet still able to keep the event’s energy in one spot.
The ability to use wireless was a nice touch, as was the feature of instant survey questions, with responses being displayed on the overhead screens. Both were very cool dimensions of ‘interactivity’, which makes sense at a Digital Marketing Conference, no?
What a night. CaseCampToronto 3 was a riot.
Once again “Eli Singer”:http://www.singer.to/ organized a great event at the hip Fifth Club. This is third one under his belt with others spawning off in Montreal and Vancouver. The “CaseCamp”:http://www.casecamp.org concept is proving to be no flash in the pan.
Hats off also to the folks at “Cundari”:http://www.cundari.com/ and “Microsoft”:http://www.microsoft.ca/ for supporting the event financially with no strings attached (i.e. no boring product pitches). Cundari also graciously picked up the food and bar tab as well.
Having attended the previous two CaseCamps as a member of the peanut gallery, I decided to step into the line of fire and present the “Greatest Escapes campaign”:http://www.searstravel.tmcontest.com that “we”:http://www.searstravel.ca are currently running.
The questions, comments and feedback from the audience were great. For example, one person suggested adding a sense of urgency to our campaign to drive higher conversion. And the beauty is that I didn’t have to pay a consulting fee or run a test group to get feedback. Excellent ROI for a 15 minute presentation.