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Tag: strategy

“The cheapness of man is every day's tragedy”

That title is from a quote from Emerson …

I was checking Tweets and saw Dave Fleet (@davefleet) quipped that Apple had shipped 3 iPhones to Canada… thanks Steve! Very funny, made me think …

Over the years in dealing with numerous companies, one of the better quips I heard from a client was that their American parent company viewed Canada like a bad version of Ohio, but cheap!

On top of that, the other day in the car, the radio reported on a new research study that stated Canadians view price as the #1 factor over customer service when buying a product, and CS lagged well-behind in second place. Duh! Who didn’t know that? What, are ya new?


Poof! You’re Gone.

Welcome to The Google Age.

We have seen clients just jump into social media marketing without a well thought out strategy. Most would never have thought to run a newspaper ad campaign without a clear objective, but for some reason they see social media in a different light. But if ever a sound strategy was needed, it is now.

During the ‘mass marketing’ period when we spent a lot of money (advertising & promotion), hunted for customers (cold calling) and hoped they remembered us when it came time to purchase, we could “broad stroke” our mass media strategy and still affect enough people to cause the desired result. Many pundits have said for years “ half my ad dollars are wasted – I just don’t know which half.” We know for sure now: it was a lot more than half!

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