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Laws Governing Online Selling In Canada Change Saturday

Jack Kapica at the Globe & Mail points out in “Ontario Tightens Online Sales Legislation”: that anyone selling stuff online in Ontario or _to Ontarians_ will be covered by new consumer protection laws starting Saturday, July 30th, 2005.
Here’s a quote:
bq. Under the new law, which is a consolidation and modernization of six previous acts, businesses will have to make sure their on-line ordering systems, such as their “virtual shopping carts,” comply with the new standards. They will be required to offer customers full disclosure of the terms of sale before the two enter a deal; the process must be clear, comprehensible and prominent to the buyer, and it must be made available in writing to the customer.
The “CMA”: has “published their recommendations”: (available only to members) and the Government of Ontario has an “archive of a 30 minute webcast on the topic called Consumer Protection For The 21st Century”: that provides an overview of the legislation.
And here is the actual “Consumer Protection Act 2002 legislation”: