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Month: October 2005

Two Clicks Too Many

Who in this day of enlightened internet marketing sends people to their website home page when they click on an ad?? Case in point, last week’s IAB/Marketing Magazine event, Interactive to the Max, shouted loud and clear over and over, that the consumer is in control. Well someone wasn’t listening this morning.
I’ll have more coming up on the event itself, but I was happily distracted from work this morning by an ad on the Globe and Mail site for OCAD‘s upcoming art auction fundraiser.
So I clicked.


5 Questions for David Crow – Instigator, TorCamp


David Crow loves his Mac. He is a software designer, an agent provocateur, and a general trouble maker. When he’s not busy with client work, David can be found in downtown Toronto trying to build the next big cross-platform thing.

*One Degree: I’m not sure that many people in Canada are familiar with the major buzz happening around “camps” these days. Can you give us a little background on FooCamp and BarCamp?*
“FooCamp”: was started by Tim O’Reilly, the publisher of O’Reilly books – the technical ones with the woodcut drawings from the Dover copyright-free archive. FOOCamp, FOO stands for Friends of O’Reilly, is an invitation only event at the Sebastopol, California campus of O’Reilly publishers where 200 people spend the weekend sharing their works in progress, the latest tech toys, hardware hacks and tackling interesting problems together.
“BarCamp”: is a response from the community. Where FooCamp was invite only, BarCamp is open. “BarCamp”: is an non-exclusive, open alternative to FooCamp. BarCamp is an opportunity for people to share and learn in an open environment. There have been BarCamp events in Palo Alto and Amsterdam, and planning for New York City, Boston, London, and Vancouver.
FooCamp and BarCamp are based on the OpenSpace conference concept. “OpenSpace”: is an unstructured format, where you do not pre-plan activities and speakers. Instead, you provide a basic framework of time and space, allowing the attendees to figure out what happens. The conference self-organizes around the attendees and ideas.
*One Degree: Why did you instigate TorCamp?*

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Understanding Social Media's ROI

_This article is by Guest Contributor Kate Trgovac who reports on the recent “BlogOn”: conference in New York City. This is the final article in the series._
“Dave Hornik”:, General Partner at August Capital, moderated “Understanding Social Media’s ROI”, the closing panel that centered on the costs, measurable benefits and strategic selling of social media into your organization. Panel members included: Laurie Mayers, Deputy Managing Director, Hass MS&L BlogWorks (the PR firm that manages “GM’s FastLane Blog”:; Craig Engler, General Manager, “”:; and Andy Sernovitz, CEO, “Word of Mouth Marketing Association”:”.
This was an exceptional panel, full of lively dialogue and great, actionable information.
Hornik’s first question: “Where has social media been put to good use?”

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