I still remember the day I received one of the most astonishing email message ever.
What was so special about this message? It was from my mother. You see, until that moment, I never thought I’d live to see the day that my mother would send me an email message.
Now don’t get me wrong, my mother is one sharp lady; it’s just that she abhors computers and most of the trappings of the digital world. She even hates just looking at computer screens – “How can you stare at that THING without getting a headache?” – and she still does all her correspondence by writing longhand on engraved stationary.
But I also saw how frustrated my mother would get trying to stay in touch with my father when he traveled overseas on business, where phone and fax communication is spotty at best. She would literally spend hours trying to get through to my father’s hotel to send him a fax. Between the three of us, we did come up with a primitive workaround; if my father had access to email, he’d send messages for my mother to me via email, and I’d relay them to her via fax.
Convinced there had to be a better way, I began to investigate how I could allow my mother to send and receive email from my dad without having to use a computer. Using the Internet to do my research (of course), I uncovered a whole sub-strata of consumer products known as ’email appliances’ that are designed to bring the power and convenience of email to people (like my mother) who will never use, let alone own, a full-blown personal computer.
Month: May 2006
Mother’s Day is only a few days away (ahh!) and we’ve decided to talk a bit about our Moms. Our Moms and the Internet that is (this is One Degree after all).
I got the idea for this feature when “Kate Baggott”:http://www.katebaggott.com/ of “globeandmail.com”:http://www.globeandmail.com/ contacted me about _my_ mom. She’d read my blog post from last year about “my Mother’s poem on using the Internet”:http://kenschafer.typepad.com/opinions/2005/02/my_mother_the_p.html and was (justifiably I must say) impressed by her attitude.
Earlier today I received an email from Yahoo! detailing Yahoo Search Marketing‘s (YSM) features for the new version of their paid search program.
Chief among them, at least for Canadian advertisers, is the addition of geo-targeting. It seems as though we may soon be able to capture a somewhat broader audience from search. In case you missed it, Microsoft AdCenter also went live with geo-targeting last week, which means that we will soon have a new paid search landscape in Canada, with all three major players offering a method to reach out to Canadian searchers.