It’s time to pay tribute to a powerful yet simple Internet marketing tactic that is often overlooked in favour of more “cool” options.
I am referring to the ‘lowly’ email signature file.
A signature (or SIG) file is a brief chunk of copy that is automatically appended to the footer of your outgoing email messages. Most email programs allow you to set this up in advance, and some allow you to easily choose and rotate between different SIG files.
If you work for yourself or a company, I strongly recommend that you – at the very least – include your name, title, company name, and contact info in your SIG file. (For those of you who are rolling your eyes at this ‘obvious’ suggestion, you’d be amazed how many people forget to include their phone number. Monitor your inbound email during the course of the next few days and you’ll see what I mean.) Even if you don’t have a Website, make sure that your email address is included as a clickable link.