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Five Questions for Hooplah Inc. – Canada's Yummiest Mummy Contest

YummiestmummyThis past Labour Day saw the launch of Canada’s Yummiest Mummy contest,  the search for Canada’s most magnetic, passionate mom.  The interactive agency behind the contest, Toronto’s Hooplah Inc. answered One Degree’s Five Questions about user generated contests, building an online video community and how to get in good with the Mummy Mafia.

One Degree:  What is the Yummiest Mummy contest and how did it come about?

The Yummiest Mummy is a user generated contest where moms are invited to upload themed videos for a chance to win a trip of a lifetime courtesy of AIRMILES. Other Sponsors giving away great prizes are Roots, McCain, Crockpot, Disney Baby Einstein and Cadbury.

The initial idea was to do a Canadian Idol style tv show. However, broadcasters are so difficult to deal with, we decided that to create this online initiative would allow us more control and make the vibe more grassroots. The response has been great from our sponsors and the mummies so far.

One Degree: What were some of the major challenges in getting a user-generated video
contest going?

The biggest problem is getting the technology to do what we need and make it user friendly. I believe we’ve accomplished this. Now, the next challenge is to get the moms into gear and start making their videos. When they start to roll in it is going to be like a tapestry modern Canadian mummies.

One Degree: What tools did you use to get the word out about the contest to your audience of moms on the go?

The smartest way to get your message out is by partnering with like-minded sites. We’re thrilled to have six of the top Mom websites in Canada as our partners. This "Mummy Mafia" consists of,,,, and  Each of our Mafia partners will be sending out email blasts to their subscribers, as well as posting banners and buttons on their sites.

We also are using Facebook. We have a group dedicated to the contest, plus we’ve written on the walls of several highly populated moms Facebook groups.

One Degree: What’s the ultimate goal of a contest like this and how do you measure

As much as we would like this to be financially rewarding immediately, we are building the template for contests to come. Delicious Daddies and Crazy Kids are next. So we’re making sure our technology platform is top notch, that our sponsors are happy and that a ton of yummy mummies have a blast and win a ton of prizes.

Secondly, the Yummy Mummy Club will benefit from all the new users who have opted in to our mailing list. As our subscriber base expands, so will our advertising reach.

One Degree: Once the contest is over, what happens to the community you’ve created?

Once Yummiest Mummy is over, our subscribers will continue to receive the Yummy Mummy Club newsletters. And then, once we have The Most Delicious Daddy Contest up and running, our user base will be notified through our email system. And so we begin the process once again.