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Super Bowl Ads – Yea or Nay?

One of my perennial favorites is the USA Today Ad Meter – Looks like we have a tie, And damned if I don't agree with this years outcome! This year's ads were more of a let-down than a disappointment. I am not sure whether the times are changing, or we see a perfect example of a "Great Campaign is a Client Approved Campaign!"

You see, in a recession most companies, including ad agencies will do just about anything to keep a client especially a big client and keep the doors open. Including putting on ads that clients like vs ads that are evocative, inspiring and brilliant. Clients always get the ads they deserve.

Sure the  USA Today Super bowl Ad Meter is just a lame creative popularity contest that has absolutely nothing to do with the effectiveness mind you the top two had dogs in them, or maybe they were all dogs?



One Comment

  1. BrainsNBrawn
    BrainsNBrawn February 7, 2011

    Watched the top 10 Superbowl ads on my computer without sound (computer glitch) and the one that hooked me was the Chrysler commerical….Darth Fader kid. It evoked feelings, emotions, even without sound and that is what sells ads. Sex and beer doesn’t always make a great choice for the client…get to the consumers heart and it lasts longer.
    Worst ad, all the different couples in bed together, thought it was for condoms, surprised it was an ad for matresses. Creative, maybe?

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