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In the news … Tuesday December 11, 2018

You Have to Stop Canceling and Rescheduling Things. Really.

A friend recently returned to his parked car to find it had been sideswiped. Now, every time he calls the insurance company, he hears a message saying: “Can’t take your call right now. Leave a message. All calls will be returned by the end of the day.”
So far, he’s called over a dozen times; his calls have been returned only twice.

3 Things Missing From Walmart’s Strategy To Beat Amazon

Walmart’s strategy to beat Amazon is missing three things: the brand, the logistics, and a community of third party sellers.
This seems to be the case despite the fact that Walmart is beginning to look like Amazon. When it comes to technology that is. The retail giant has been paying top dollars to recruit software developer talent. It has also spent heavily to acquire digital commerce technologies.

‘You have better things to do with your time’

Mike Freides is afraid of laundromats. Which is odd, perhaps, for someone who owns one.
“Most laundromats you go to are really scary, especially in this city,” Freides said, standing under the glare of the bright neon lights of his Vancouver shop WashOut laundromat.

This is the effective way to be an optimist if you struggle with thinking positive thoughts

“Just think positive thoughts.”
As someone with anxiety, I’ve heard that piece of well-intended advice a few times. Or, one of its cousins: “Just don’t think about the negative.” “Can’t you just not think about bad things?”

Twitter’s Title Replaced in Google Search Results

Google mysteriously began showing the wrong result for Twitter on Thursday December 6, 2018. Multiple theories on why immediately popped up. The real reason turned out to be surprising and also led to even more questions.


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