Share your latest Netflix binge on Instagram Stories
We’ve all had that moment when we’ve just watched a great show or movie and simply have to tell everyone about it. If you’re eager to show your friends why Marie Kondo has changed your life or urge them to check out a documentary about the disastrous Fyre Festival, you’ll be pleased to know you can share Netflix titles directly to your Instagram Stories.
Connecting rural Canadians has never been more important – Marc Serre MP
Marc Serré, MP for Nickel Belt, says all levels of government have a role to play in assuring rural communities have broadband and cellular connectivity. In this day and age, the Internet is no longer considered a luxury as per the CRTC 2016 report but rather a necessity which will enable communities to grow by stimulating their economies and create jobs. New innovative approaches with coordinated efforts between the private sector and government are paramount. The survival of municipalities in rural Canada depends upon digital investments for internet and cellular services.
Need a new digital strategy? Just Nimble it…
There’s no shortage of ambitious money chasing anything that might steal margin from banks or potentially be acquired by them, but Australia’s first generation
Test your internet prowess with Google’s phishing quiz
So you fancy yourself something of a digital native. The online scams, misinformation, and questionable investment opportunities that plague your parents’ generation are mere chaff to be brushed aside as you go about your business harvesting and consuming that delicious internet content.