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Top Content for March 6, 2019

Finding your company’s cultural sweet spot

Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a pretty tasty bon mot, though it’s doubtful that Peter Drucker, who usually gets credit for it, actually cooked it up. It can also cause severe indigestion when leaders ignore it. If you’re tempted to join them, read Rule Makers, Rule Breakers, by University of Maryland, College Park, psychology professor Michele Gelfand.


4 Digital Customer Experience Strategy Tips for 2019

The digital customer experience evolves rapidly. With every new smartphone release and operating system update comes room for improvement with how consumers experience your brand. Smart CX strategies focus on not simply implementing new ideas for a quality experience, but also improving upon how customers currently interact with the overall digital presence. Here are 4 tips for improving the digital customer experience in 2019.


Silicon Valley Bank gets approval to expand into Canada

Silicon Valley Bank, a lender used by some of the leading technology and life science startups in the U.S., announced that it has obtained approval from Canadian regulators to launch in that country.

The bank will open Canadian headquarters in Toronto after the Superintendent of Financial Institutions granted a license to the bank.


NDP MP calls for Facebook investigation following UK media reports

Charlie Angus is calling for an investigation into Facebook’s conduct following U.K. media reports that alleged a former federal infrastructure minister was pressured into making privacy commitments in order to land a Facebook data centre in Canada.

In a letter to the federal lobbying commissioner Nancy Belanger, Angus said he would like the government to look into reports from The Observer and Computer Weekly that allege former Conservative minister Christian Paradis assured Facebook Canada the government would not seek jurisdiction over non-Canada data if a data centre was constructed in Canada.


Canada’s Digital Technology Supercluster Announces the first Cohort of Projects


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