SEO Tips for Publishers: 11 Ways to Grow Your Audience
Publishers that are serious about dominating the SERPs spend years honing their ability to produce intoxicating content for their readers.
I would know because I’m one of them.
N.L. aims to boost online services with new Digital Government department
Premier Andrew Furey’s new Liberal cabinet includes several renamed departments, signaling a shift in priorities for the new leader, including an emphasis on online transactions with the newly minted Digital Government and Service NL department.
Canada’s National Business Book Award Announces 2020 Finalists
The finalists for the 2020 National Business Book Award (NBBA), one of Canada’s most prestigious literary awards, were announced today by presenting sponsors, law firm Bennett Jones LLP and entrepreneur and philanthropist Miles S. Nadal. Celebrating its 35th anniversary, the $30,000 prize will be presented to the author demonstrating the most outstanding Canadian business-related writing, research and originality on November 18, 2020.