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One Degree Tuesday September 29 2020

Members fighting sale of MEC say planned COO hire clashes with Canadian company’s values

Members of Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) fighting its takeover by an American investment firm say the hiring of an executive from a U.S. company that makes footwear for the military and police clashes with the company’s values.


Why generalists are better at business, and how to become one yourself

“Jack of all trades, master of none” is the saying, but in the modern business world, this no longer applies in many cases—especially when it comes to digital skills. Understanding business is a must, but understanding digital marketing, computer coding, and graphic design are a few of many skills that can make an entrepreneur even more successful on their own.


The stock market’s next 20 years will be defined by technological innovation – and the most likely scenario is 7% annual growth, DataTrek says

While the day-to-day fluctuations of the stock market lead investors and the media to ask what stocks will do in the short term, the bigger and more important question investors should be laser-focused on is: What will US stocks do over the next 20 years?


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