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One Degree Monday October 25 2021

What would Canada’s COVID response look like without social media?

Are government responses to COVID-19 based on the social media mob? In some cases in Canada, it definitely seems like the case. But what if social media didn’t exist?


Mississauga competing to be named world’s #1 Intelligent Community of the Year

The City of Mississauga is competing for the top spot – Intelligent Community of the Year – in a competition organized by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF), a global network of cities and regions which aims to help communities in the digital age find a new path to economic development and community growth.


The Top 17 Facebook Statistics Businesses Need to Understand in 2021

Almost everyone in social media can agree on one thing: Facebook is the king of social. There are a lot of reasons for this, of course. For example, when you think of the term “social network,” this platform is the first one to come to mind. At the same time, unless you consider YouTube to be a social network, Facebook is by far the largest site of this type. From its humble beginnings in a college dormitory to its current status as one of society’s most influential tech companies with many thousands of employees, Facebook has come a long way. These Facebook statistics will serve to prove that point and remind us of the importance of Facebook marketing even when shiny new objects come and some proclaim that TikTok is the next big thing in social media marketing.


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