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One Degree Tuesday February 15 2022

Canadians May be able to Visit Casinos in the Metaverse

A Metaverse is mixture of virtual reality, augmented reality and video where you are able to interact in a digital universe with people all over the world. It is developing in order for users to be able to take virtual trips around the world, attend conferences as well as play to stay connected with friends, among other things.


Little and often: making critique a daily practice

Team critiques are a known best practice for content designers. But we struggled with precisely how to implement them at the Canadian Digital Service (CDS). For a long time we had a daily optional time slot in our calendars that anyone could use any time. But since anybody’s job is nobody’s job, we almost never actually had critique. So late last fall we made a new plan, which we started in January.


Apple is Finally Making a Cheaper Display: What We Know

Right now, Apple only sells the $5,000 Pro Display XDR, but rumors suggest new standalone displays are in the works. We don’t know a lot right now, but everything we’ve heard so far is aggregated in the guide below.


A leader’s handbook for managing culture

One of the first business books I reviewed, back in 1992, was Corporate Culture and Performance, by Harvard Business School professors James Heskett and John Kotter. A few books explored organizational culture before it, most notably In Search of Excellence, by Tom Peters and the late Robert Waterman, but Corporate Culture and Performance was the first to try to quantify the economic returns of culture in a rigorous way. Thirty years later, Heskett, now 88 and professor emeritus, is still making the business case for corporate culture.


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